Saturday, April 11, 2009

Newt Gingrich and the GOP gamble

Newt Gingrich and the GOP are playing a very dangerous game. The POTUS has only been in office for 3 months and has put a lot on the table. If the president's measures prove successful, the GOP and Newt will lose all the chips they have put on the table, and they have put them all up. Obama is currently very popular and the economy, which is today's number 1 issue, will eventually rebound. In all likelyhood it would have turned around with or without the measure taken by the Obama administrations. The new administration's actions; however, will hopefully quicken the turnaround and direct the nation's path towards the future. The inevitable turnaround will be credited to Obama by the American people (whether deserved or not is irrelevant; it is all about perception). The likely success cannot be shared with the GOP or Newt who is, believe it or not, already running for president in 2012. They have not cast a single vote (aside from the 3 GOP senators in re-election trouble from the northeast where Dems and Obama arefavored) to support the presidents measures. If/when the economy rebounds the GOP will have to pick issues such as national debt and fear mongering to persuade voters to side with them. These intangible ideas will be much weaker than the Dems' arguement of a dying Bush/Republican economy fixed by the Obama/Dems (again, whether deserved or not is irrelevant). Those in power receive the glory and the blame. This is the true reason the Republicans don't want Obama to succeed. The midterms in 2010 will be most exciting and very telling of Obama's perceived success or failure. The economy will more than likely have started to make its comeback by election season and, if the public senses that, there will be no saving the Republicans.

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